Samsung enhances Galaxy S9 and Note 9 Low Light Photography with Dedicated Night Mode

Samsung owners rejoice! The South Korean smartphone maker has brought Night Mode to its 2018 flagship devices namely the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Note 9.

This is a surprise given that smartphone makers don’t typically update their older devices. No doubt, a tactic to get you to buy their latest devices.

Incidentally, this year’s Galaxy S10 gained Night Mode via an update back in May. part of Samsung’s N960FXXU3CSF9  firmware, the mode is available for both its main camera and ultra-wide-angle camera, allowing the camera to capture brighter shots. This is despite the fact that the two cameras have two different maximum apertures of  f/1.5 on the main camera and f/2.2 for the ultra-wide-angle camera.

But in a gesture of good will the company has granted a dedicated Night Mode to the Galaxy S9 and Note 9. The upgrade is a welcome addition that will allow the S9 and Note 9  snap better pictures in low light situations.

However, judging from test shots taken, the Night Mode enhances low light capture but it still pales in comparison with Google’s Night Sight camera and Huawei’s Night Mode as it introduces more noise and sharpening to the final photo.

Aside from the Night Mode, it also brings along the ability to scan QR codes without using the Bixby Vision app.

So what are you waiting for? If you haven’t already downloaded the update, do so now!

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